Have you ever wondered what your family's photos would look like if a Northeast Ohio family photographer was in your corner? Jazz'mine Harsch Photography is here to help you get there. If you're interested in working with us, we encourage you to get in touch with us so we can talk about how we can work together to create a session that will last a lifetime or two! We'll have a face-to-face meeting or several video calls to get to know one another before we decide to work together. Following up on your email question, we'll give you a call that lasts 5-10 minutes. We'll ask you a few questions during this call to learn more about your session goals and to determine your availability. We'll briefly discuss our offerings before we start a discussion about the locations you're hoping to adorn with the artwork. We'll ask a few questions about your family, your goals for working with a full-service photographer, and your prior encounters with photographers at this point.
1 Coitsville Rd, Campbell, Ohio 44405, United States of America