530 Compton St., Suite D., Broomfield, Colorado 80020, United States of America

Atom Physics

530 Compton St., Suite D., Broomfield, Colorado 80020, United States of America


Atom Physics is the leading provider of comprehensive X-ray solutions: from lead shielding designs to X-ray equipment sales, installation, inspection, support, and radiation safety consultation in Colorado and nationally.

Atom Physics specializes in X-ray inspectionShielding Design, Radiation Safety Officer services, X-ray equipment sales, and machine services. We excel in X-ray repair and inspections in Colorado while providing top-notch national solutions for X-ray equipment. Harness the power of Aton Physics with our comprehensive X-ray Machine expertise and services.

Our X-ray Services:

Our X-ray Products: 

In business since January 23, 2015


530 Compton St., Suite D., Broomfield, Colorado 80020, United States of America
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