directory9 benefits

directory9 benefits

directory9 benefits

for you and your business


Why choose directory9?


directory9 WILL NEVER sell YOUR Information

Your information will never be sold to any third party outside directory9!

Search Results

Unfiltered Search Results

Search results without manipulation so everyone gets a fear deal.


No Censorship Deletion

Your content will never be censored unless it is forbidden under our terms of use.

personal info

No Longer Wish To Support Big Tech?

director9 has space JUST for YOU.


A platform of FREEDOM, help us become one of the world's most useful directories.


Increase Your Exposure

A more specific way to improve your visibility to be seen by more customers from multiple search engines.


Improve Search Engine Ranking

Your website URL is a valuable inbound link for a relevant search. Your real return will be from the traffic driven to your business.


Add Value to Your Business

Customers value directory listings as a high-quality source knowing businesses are serious about what they do.


Strengthen Your Reputation

A reliable and trustworthy source for customers to find your business.

Research has shown, almost 8 out of 10 people will look into an internet directory when they are in need of a particular service.

Street map and pin

Studies show adding products and or services to your listing
can boost growth to your business by up to 20%!




A Local and Global Directory

 Providing greater exposure to customers that would otherwise never see your business.


SEO Tools to Better Your Listing

 Add extra valuable SEO content to your Listing, Events, Classifieds, Articles and Promotions.


Add Multiple Locations

If you have more than one location, we have you covered.


Personalise Your Own URL

Make your listing part of your business with its own unique URL address.

Get noticed, not lost!


Add Photos, Videos & Files

Make your listing look professional and standout buy adding photos and graphics, tell your story with a video and update your brochure for downloads.


Personal Control Panel

 Giving you control over your information anytime, adding extra services as and when you need.


View How Well You are Doing

See your results with 6 months of statistics, views and contacts. 


Create Your Own SEO

 Only you know your business good enough to get this right.

Increase the chances of your business
getting seen by more customers!