Banner Ad

Quick overview of the two main ad section before going into detail.

This first section is mainly for the overall details and global settings.

directory9 global settings


Geo-Targeted Settings
Only use this section if you want to target a small area such as a City or a Suburb.

directory9 Geo-Targeted Over view

Setting up your banner ad is very simple as follows:

1. Select a banner type.
2. Add a banner name if you have not done this already.
3. Upload your banner graphic.
4. Chose a section within directory9 to advertise.
5. select categories to target.

directory9 banner information


Add your URL (website address) to where you want someone to go when they click on your ad.

If you have a Script Code just click "Show by Script Code" and add your code, there is no more to do as your code will be pre-programmed by your ad server.

directory9 URL or Script Code


If you are a small business and want to Geo-Target a much smaller area you can set the Geo-Target to a City or a Suburb within a City.

We have set the default radius distance from your selected City or Suburb to 54km (33.5 miles).  If you need more of a radius you can set this in the "Coverage Distance" field.

directory9 Geo-Targeted

Click the save button and you are all done.

Download directory9 ad sizes