Early Pregnancy Termination Methods

The implementation of the abortion procedure is possible at all stages. However, much depends not only on the desire of the woman herself but also on the social situation and on medical indications. 

If up to 12 weeks the decision of the woman is enough for an abortion to be scheduled, then after 12 weeks an abortion is possible only if this procedure is approved by a qualified doctor. As early abortion options, when a woman’s desire is sufficient and there are no contraindications, the following ways of terminating the pregnancy are available:

  • Chemical abortion. The method is effective for up to 4-5 weeks, is carried out by taking drugs or an injection that provokes the fetus to tear from the walls of the uterus and exit naturally without serious complications for the woman's health. It can cause hormonal side reactions;

  • Mini-abortion (vacuum abortion). It is the most popular method of terminating a pregnancy; it is also carried out up to 6 weeks by sucking the egg out of the uterus with a special instrument. The procedure may not give the desired result. It is performed under local anesthesia and is quite safe for health;

  • Surgical abortion (the fetus is dissected into pieces in the womb and alternately removed by scraping. It is possible to carry out such a procedure from 6 to 12 weeks. The method is quite dangerous. After such an abortion, taking antibiotics is necessary.

What Are the Possible Complications and Consequences of an Abortion Before 12 Weeks?

Medical and vacuum abortions are almost 100% safe for health, unlike surgical abortion. Such an abortion is contraindicated in women with a negative Rh factor. The longer the gestation period is, the higher the risks are. Hormonal failures, menstrual cycle, and metabolism disorders are not excluded. As for inflammatory processes, they should be disposed of through the treatment prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to take tests and an additional examination, a month after the abortion.

  The decision to terminate an early pregnancy can be made in case of a threat to the life or health of a woman. Such a recommendation based on the examination can be given by the gynecologist observing the woman. For example, preeclampsia can threaten the life of a potential mother. In addition to social and medical indications, there may be many more reasons not to carry an existing pregnancy further.

 The whole procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • Consultation with a gynecologist;

  • Data collection;

  • Referral for abortion.

After a woman first visits the clinic and decides to have an abortion, she is given some time to think more carefully. Usually, it is about 2-7 days.


Before sending a woman for an abortion, the gynecologist will give an appointment for some tests and research. These are:

  • Blood test for HIV, HBS, and RW diseases;

  • Determination of blood group and Rh;

  • Gynecological smears;

  • Ultrasound of the uterus.

The Technologies of Abortion at an Early Stage

There are 3 types of abortion techniques applicable in the early stages:

  • Vacuum aspiration. This mini-abortion is performed using special equipment called vacuum suction. It is possible to perform abortions in the early stages with this method only until the 5th week of pregnancy;

  • Surgical abortion can be performed up to the 12th week. The uterus is scraped, and the fetal egg and endometrium are removed. Such an abortion is performed using special medical instruments;

  • Chemical abortion is considered the least traumatic and safe for a woman's health. To disrupt pregnancy in the early stages with this method, a drug that provokes a miscarriage is used.

Medical Health