A shopping and entertainment center is an opportunity to combine different groups of trade enterprises in one place and manage them as a single entity. To understand how to build a shopping center or pavilion, you need to carefully work out a business plan, prepare a package of documents, and learn about the stages of construction and possible risks.
A business plan is required to calculate the required start-up capital and the time for which it can pay off. Often, the size of the initial investment exceeds the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, so promising business ideas remain unrealized. To save on the construction of a shopping and entertainment complex, it is worth considering modern approaches to the construction of buildings for business and do some strategic financial planning.
The frame technology for the construction of residential and non-residential buildings has occupied a separate niche in the construction industry and has a number of advantages over capital houses. Its essence lies in the fact that the construction of the shopping complex is carried out on the basis of a metal frame, and not reinforcement and concrete blocks. This greatly facilitates the construction of walls and the installation of the structure as a whole.
Frame shopping centers are not inferior to capital shopping centers in terms of reliability, safety and functionality, and in terms of price they even have a significant advantage, since they can reduce construction costs by 30-50%. Such savings allow you to reduce start-up capital or direct funds to other areas of the development of the shopping complex. In addition, the facility will be put into operation many times faster than with conventional construction - in 1-2 months, depending on the area and number of storeys of the building.
Frame construction technology requires fewer documents and costs for engineering and survey work to assess the condition of the soil before starting the foundation. It uses a lightweight foundation, which is easier to install, but at the same time securely holds the structure and is seismologically stable. Also, prefabricated buildings have a modern appearance, which makes them more attractive to buyers.
The construction of a shopping center using frame technology involves certain stages. It is impossible to start construction without having all the necessary documents in hand, or to calculate the exact final cost without determining the area of the building. The client can observe all stages of construction, and in some of them his presence is simply necessary.
Artmetal offers to develop a project for the construction of a shopping center together with the customer. At this stage, the area, number of storeys of the future shopping center, layout, type of foundation, roofs, building and finishing materials, ongoing communications and engineering systems, as well as other technical characteristics of the building are determined. Also, the company's specialists calculate the preliminary cost of the construction of the building.
When all the details are taken into account, the project is approved in accordance with all the wishes of the client, a construction estimate and a project implementation plan are drawn up, and a cooperation agreement is signed. The customer has the right to monitor each stage of the construction of the shopping center and the quality of the work of the contractor.
The basis of buildings using frame technology is a frame made of a durable metal profile. Its service life is up to one hundred years. The metal frame is able to withstand critical loads, which is important for high-traffic commercial buildings. Artmetal manufactures such frames in its own production, and does not buy them from other companies. Therefore, the final cost of construction with us is lower than when ordering from other similar companies.
Thanks to the features of frame technology, the installation of the structure does not take much time. First, experts carry out the laying of a lightweight foundation, then mount the frame. Further, the walls, floor, roof, ceiling are arranged, the necessary communications are connected. When most of the structure is assembled, they proceed to the facade and finishing works according to the approved project.
Upon completion of the installation, the turnkey prefabricated building is ready for operation. All you need to do is bring in commercial equipment and furniture. When all construction work is completed, the necessary documents are signed with the client and he receives a guarantee for the operation of the shopping center.
When planning the construction of a mall, its territorial location in the city plays an important role. A well-chosen location can positively affect the turnover of funds and return on investment.
The construction requires planning and competent construction of business processes. Here are important factors of a pre-building phase.
At this stage, a study of the commercial real estate market of the city is being carried out in order to identify which objects operate in the city, which of them are the most successful, which construction will be the most promising (area, format), in which parts of the city the construction will be the most interesting.
The result of the study conducted at this stage will be answers to questions about the feasibility of construction, the choice of the construction object (shopping center, shopping center, business center, etc.), its format, area, and other characteristics, as well as the correct placement on the site.
The concept of a shopping center plays a key role in the construction of modern shopping centers. As part of the concept, the target audience of shopping center visitors, the format of the shopping center, floor themes, potentially interesting categories of tenants, anchor tenants are determined, rental rates are predicted, and much more. The concept of the shopping center should be developed before ordering the project, as this avoids many errors, such as incorrectly designed entrances to the building, errors in the location of escalators, dead zones on the floors, small or inconvenient parking, etc. The concept also plays a key role in negotiating with landlords.
After the concept has been developed, it is necessary to start preliminary negotiations with potential tenants, as there are already presentation materials for negotiations. The purpose of this stage is to clarify the interest in the object from potential tenants, to attract anchor tenants at the stage before the start of construction, to conclude preliminary agreements of intent.
As a result of negotiations with potential tenants, a situation often arises when it is necessary to make changes to the concept of the shopping center, this is due to the requirements that potential tenants may present. As a rule, this can be the design of additional entrances, a change in the system of movement between floors, and so on.
At this stage, you contact the design organization with the concept you already have and the requirements of potential tenants. You clearly know what area the object should be, where the parking should be, where the main entrance is, what shape the building should be, how the escalators should be located, and much more.